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Careers Education

Careers timeline


Year 7: Moving from Primary to Secondary education is a big step in a young person's life. Throughout Year 7 Careers Education focuses on self-awareness skills, individuality, how our personality can support you into a certain career. It is a key component that students learn that their individuality makes them who they are, and that in the world of work we should celebrate our differences .

Year 8: Careers Education for Year 8 students focuses on exploring careers this is done through buzz quizzes, guest speakers, videos etc. It is during these lessons we begin to touch on how choosing GCSE options in Year 9 can support them into the career of their choice.

Year 9: Careers Education in Year 9 provides support and advice to students when choosing their GCSE options. All students receive a 1:1 session with the Careers team to provide support, advice and reassurance before moving into KS4. 


Year 10: Careers Education in Year 10 works towards a five day Work Experience Week held annually in November. In advance of the week students receive a 5 week programme where they are taught a variety of skills for the work place including: CV writing, preparing for interviews, work place behaviours etc. During the Work Experience Week representatives from Careers Education will visit the student and employer as a welfare check, and to find out from the student if the role is what they would like to do in the future.

From work experience students have progressed to either paid employment or volunteering roles, further boosting their CV and networking within the job market  

Year 11: Careers Education in Year 11 focuses on Post-16 options for all students: Further Education overseas, Apprenticeships or Straight to Work. During lessons students intending to go to College are supported in their College applications and options.

We have strong links with Colleges in the UK:

Gatsby Benchmarks

 Within Careers Education the team work within the Gatsby Benchmarks for Secondary Schools:

Gatsby Benchmarks

Detailed information on the Gatsby Benchmarks can be found by visiting: https://www.gatsbybenchmarks.org.uk/

Contact us

The Careers Team are always happy to hear from students and their families, you can contact us on:

Alison Ford (Careers Lead): AFord@college.ac.fk

Sally Heathman (Careers Development Officer): SHeathman@college.ac.fk

Phone: 27133